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Porter Croft’s Online Safety Rules

Online Safety Rules

Our Online Safety Rules

Our aim as a school is to nurture and build the skills required for children to successfully navigate themselves through a constantly advancing digital era. This includes developing digital literacy and prospering online-safe, online-inspired and online-confident children.

All pupils use computer facilities including Internet access as an essential part of learning, as required by the National Curriculum. Parents/carers are asked to sign to show that the Online Safety Rules have been understood and agreed.

Our Online Safety Rules

·         I will be responsible for my behaviour when using the internet, including social learning

Platforms (Purple Mash), games and apps. This includes the resources I access and the language I use.


·         I will not deliberately browse, download or upload material that could be considered offensive or illegal. If I accidentally come across any such material I will report it immediately to a teacher.


·         I will not send anyone material that could be considered threatening, bullying, offensive or illegal.


·         I will not give out any personal information online, such as my name, phone number or address.


·         I will not reveal my passwords to anyone; I will tell a teacher if my password has been compromised.


·         If I am concerned or upset about anything I see on the internet or any messages that I receive, I know I can talk to my teacher.


·         I understand that my internet use at Porter Croft C of E Primary Academy will be monitored and logged and can be made available to the teacher.


·         I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe and that if I choose not to follow them, Porter Croft C of E Primary Academy may contact my parents/carers.


For more information, you can find our Online Safety Policy on our website.



Parent’s Consent for Web Publication of Work and Photographs                                                                        I agree that my son/daughter’s work may be electronically published.  I also agree that appropriate images and video that include my son/daughter may be published subject to the academy rule that photographs will not be accompanied by pupil names.

Parent’s Consent for Internet Access                                                                                                                                I have read and understood the academy Online Safety Rules and give permission for my son /daughter to access the internet.  I understand that Porter Croft C of E Academy will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that pupils cannot access inappropriate materials but I appreciate that this is a difficult task.

I understand that the academy cannot be held responsible for the content of materials accessed through the Internet. I agree that the Porter Croft C of E Academy is not liable for any damages arising from use of the internet facilities.


Childs name:
Signed: Date:
Please print name:
Please complete, sign and return to the main office