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Contact Information for School

Contact Information Letter

17 May 2021

Dear Parent / Carer

We would like to remind you that if anyone in your household is suffering from any Covid symptoms you must book a PCR test as a matter of urgency and not use a lateral flow test.  A PCR test can be booked by calling 119 or visiting

If you book a PCR for yourself or a member of your household then you must inform school as soon as possible.  All members of the household MUST remain at home and isolate until the test result is confirmed.  If the test is positive, you will have to complete the 10-day isolation period from when the symptoms started.  You must let school know the results as soon as they are received, even if the result is negative.

If the results are received at night or at the weekend you still need to contact us, this can be done using any of the following :


By using the text message service – 07815 887812

Using My Ed App

Telephone – 0114 2662132 – During office hours 8am – 4 pm

Parents are advised to carry out lateral flow tests twice weekly, these can be ordered by using the following web address

We have a duty of care to all our families and staff so it is really important that everyone follows the Covid Isolation rules and if you have been asked to isolate or your child is isolating they must NOT leave the house until the end of the isolation period.


Many thanks